Brandi! It’s like we’ve been hanging out together in this because I relate deeply to this. I actually bought a puzzle the other day to do something else while in a reading slump and also started rewatching a show I have enjoyed instead of reading at times.

My husband pointed out recently that he thinks I’m burned out with reading based on how I was talking about it, especially books I needed to read for review.

He was right to an extent. I was reading too many drier reads (like some theology books can be at times) and also too many books for review at least for the season I’m in: I needed a change in my commitments, book choices, and greater lenience in how often I read.

So I’ve reduced the number of review books I’ve committed to for now, and at times I’m instead requesting books that don’t need a word-for-word read-through (remember also how Crossway allows features vs reviews so in that case any book could be chosen and read later).

This definitely took the pressure off that was affecting my burn out AND has enabled me to focus on my personal TBR which puts me in a better mood. 😂

Changing up genres and author writing styles has helped. For example, I am about to complete a Christian nonfiction book with a descriptive, personal, and reflective style of writing I absolutely love (vs instructional or informative, though it has those qualities embedded in it in a different way as well), and I ended up writing a review merely out of enjoyment of the book. 😃

Goodness, I wrote so much in this comment; maybe I should put this on my blog sometime and feature a quote or two of yours along with a link to your very helpful post here too. 🙃

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Very insightful thoughts here friend! Looking forward to more content like this from you 💕

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Very wise. Love this. 🤍

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